- "Browar Junga" Production Plant

- Fish Auction Hall in Ustka

- Production and Retail Building "Grzybki" in Warsaw

- Production and Storage Building in Czosnów

- Quardiplex Michelin Building in Olsztyn

- Fruit Sorting Plant with Cold Storage in Rębowola

- Sokołów S.A. Production Plant in Sokołów Podlaski

- "Indyk Mazowsze" Production Plant in Sokołów Podlaski

- "Indyk Mazury" Production Plant in Ostróda

- NITROERG Production Department Processing Plant in Bieruń

- PLANIKA Production and Storage Building

- "KŁOS" Bakery in Zabrze

- ACTION Warehouse in Zamień

- SCANIA Service in Stara Wieś

- EKOAQUA Production and Storage Building in Łódź

and many more...
